Café+Coffee in library
Kobližná 4
602 00 Brno
Phone: +775 123 170
Opening hours:
Mon—Fri: | 8.00—20.00 |
Sat: | 9.00—16.00 |
Sun: | closed |
Café+Entrance from Akademická st. - oposite to UP library. 10.7. - 1.9. opened mo-fr 9:00–16:00
Mariánská 14
77200 Olomouc
Phone: +420 775 123 176
Opening hours:
Mon—Thu: | 8.00—19.00 |
Fri: | 8.00—17.30 |
Sat—Sun: | closed |
Tribun EU s.r.o.
Cejl 892/32
602 00 Brno
IČO: 27662101
DIČ: CZ 27662101
Cejl 892/32
602 00 Brno
IČO: 27662101
DIČ: CZ 27662101
We search new place for new coffee houses. If you have information about some good place and there are good conditions, please write us! If we realized our coffee house in this plase, you will use our service as free during one year!*
*This offer is not valid for place which will be vicarious by the real estate agency. The limit for consumption is 30 000Kč per year and 100 Kč per one day. We can send you our requirement for our caffee houses
The logotype and logo-manual you can download on this site.